Onye na-emepụta ihe maka onye na-akwado iko akwụkwọ China maka ime iko Jiri Omenala Bipụta PE mkpuchi akwụkwọ iko N'ogbe
Our well-epped facilities and the exceptional excellent control during all stages of manufacturing enables us to guarantee total buyer gratification for Manufacturer for China Paper Cup Fan for Cup Make Use Custom Print PE Coated Paper Paper Cups Wholesale, Accurate Device Device, Advanced Injection Molding Equipment, Ahịrị mgbakọ akụrụngwa, ụlọ nyocha na agamnihu ngwanrọ bụ njirimara anyị.
Ụlọ ọrụ anyị nke ọma na njikwa magburu onwe ya n'oge niile nke mmepụta ihe na-enyere anyị aka ikwe nkwa afọ ojuju ndị na-azụ ahịa.Ọnụ ahịa iko akwụkwọ China na akwụkwọ kọfị, Ọtụtụ nsogbu n'etiti ndị na-eweta ngwaahịa na ndị ahịa bụ n'ihi nkwurịta okwu adịghị mma. N'ọdịbendị, ndị na-ebunye ngwaahịa nwere ike ịla azụ ịjụ ihe ndị ha na-aghọtaghị. Anyị na-emebi ihe mgbochi ndị a iji hụ na ị nwetara ihe ịchọrọ n'ogo ị tụrụ anya, mgbe ịchọrọ ya. Oge nnyefe ngwa ngwa yana ngwaahịa ịchọrọ bụ Criterion anyị.
Aha ihe | Yibin akwụkwọ iko ihe maka ime akwụkwọ iko akwụkwọ efere |
Ojiji | Iji mee iko akwụkwọ, nnukwu efere akwụkwọ, fan iko akwụkwọ |
Ibu akwụkwọ | 170-320 gm |
Ibu PE | 15gsm, 18gm |
Na-ebi akwụkwọ | Mbipụta Flexo, mbipụta akwụ ụgwọ |
Nha | Acoording ka ndị ahịa chọrọ |
Atụmatụ | Ihe akaebe nke mmanụ, enweghị mmiri, na-eguzogide okpomọkụ dị elu |
OEM | anabatara |
Asambodo | QS, SGS, FDA |
Nkwakọ ngwaahịa | Ngwunye akụkụ dị n'ime ya na ihe nkiri plastik, na-ebukọ n'èzí na pallet osisi, ihe dịka 1.2 ton / pallet |
* Ọkwa nri, eco-friendly
* Ahụ siri ike ma na-adịgide adịgide, enweghị nrụrụ
* Mkpuchi PE na-egbochi ntapu
* Bamboo pulp, agba eke na-enweghị ịcha ọcha
Emere si na raw bamboo pulp nke na-adịghị ọcha, akwụkwọ akụkọ ahụ nwere ike dị mma, isi ike dị mma, ịkpụzi dị mfe na mkpụrụ dị elu. Enwere ike itinye ya n'ọtụtụ ebe na-eme iko akwụkwọ dị iche iche (gụnyere ma ọnweghị oke na iko kọfị, iko ụlọ ahịa, ọkwá akwụkwọ, akpa nri.
Akwụkwọ nje nje a na-ahụkarị nwere ụtọ bamboo nri nke mbụ yana enweghị mgbakwunye kemịkalụ na-emerụ ahụ yana mmetụ dị nro dị nro, na-enwe ezigbo piable na enyi anụ ahụ na-enweghị mgbawa mgbawa ma na-enwe mmetụta doro anya.
Uru anyi
1.For ọkọnọ isi akwụkwọ ihe, anyị na-arụkọ ọrụ na Guangxi Jingui Pulp & Akwụkwọ Co, Ltd (APP Paper), Stora Enso (Guangxi Company), Yibin Paper Industry Co., Ltd, Guangxi Sun akwụkwọ Co., Ltd, otú anyị nwere. N'ihi ya, anyị nwere ike ịnye ngwaahịa dị iche iche ma nyefee ngwongwo niile n'oge.
2.One-nkwụsị ọrụ nke PE mkpuchi, ibipụta, anwụ ọnwụ, nkewa pụọ na crosscutting
Anyị nwere igwe mkpuchi 3 PE, igwe na-ebi akwụkwọ Flexo, igwe slitting 10 dị elu, na iko akwụkwọ 30 na igwe efere, yabụ anyị nwere ike ịnye otu nkwụsị ọrụ maka ndị ahịa na ịnye ngwaahịa niile n'oge.
Ụlọ nkwakọba ihe ebule akwụkwọ
nwee akụrụngwa akụrụngwa ruru tọn 1,500 iji hụ na ọkọnọ kwụsie ike. Anyị nwere ike 100% na-enye gị ngwa ahịa ahụ kwa ọnwa.
Ọrụ Mkpuchi-Nbipụta-Ịcha
Anyị nwere igwe mkpuchi akpaaka, igwe na-ebi akwụkwọ na igwe na-egbu egbu, ọrụ nkwụsị iji mee ka 100% jide n'aka na àgwà dị n'okpuru anyị.
Nhazi nke ndị ahịa anyị
Anyị nwere ọtụtụ ndị ahịa imewe mara mma ma nwee ahụmịhe bara ụba iji chepụta ya maka gị. na ọ bụ n'efu
Ọ dị mfe akara na ịtụgharị
N'ihi na anyị akwụkwọ ihe onwunwe, ị nwere ike na-akpụ iko mgbe mmiri na Fans maka obere oge, na mma akara na Rolling, na-enweghị ntapu.
1.Ị nwere ike ime imewe m?
Ee, ọkachamara anyị mmebe nwere ike ime ka imewe n'efu dị ka gị chọrọ.
2.Olee otú m ga-esi nweta sample?
Anyị na-enye gị nlele n'efu maka ịlele mbipụta na ịdịmma nke iko akwụkwọ, mana ọ dị mkpa ịnakọta ọnụ ahịa awara awara.
3. Gịnị bụ oge na-eduga?
Ihe dịka ụbọchị iri atọ
4. Kedu ihe kacha mma ị nwere ike inye?
Biko gwa anyị ihe nha, ihe mpempe akwụkwọ na ọnụọgụ masịrị gị. Zitekwa anyị imewe gị. We will give you a competitive price.Our well-quipped facilities and the exceptional excellent control during all stages of manufacturing enables us to guarantee total buyer gratification for Manufacturer for China Paper Cup Fan for Cup Make Use Custom Print PE Coated Paper Paper Cups Wholesale, Accurate usoro ngwaọrụ, Advanced Injection ịkpụzi Equipment, Equipment mgbakọ ahịrị, labs na software ọganihu bụ anyị iche atụmatụ.
Onye nrụpụta makaỌnụ ahịa iko akwụkwọ China na akwụkwọ kọfị, Ọtụtụ nsogbu n'etiti ndị na-eweta ngwaahịa na ndị ahịa bụ n'ihi nkwurịta okwu adịghị mma. N'ọdịbendị, ndị na-ebunye ngwaahịa nwere ike ịla azụ ịjụ ihe ndị ha na-aghọtaghị. Anyị na-emebi ihe mgbochi ndị a iji hụ na ị nwetara ihe ịchọrọ n'ogo ị tụrụ anya, mgbe ịchọrọ ya. Oge nnyefe ngwa ngwa yana ngwaahịa ịchọrọ bụ Criterion anyị.